12th Night Stash Bust Challenge

The stash bust challenge was thrown to the crowd at an event - "12th Night is coming up... Good time to bust that stash for a new outfit!" Good enough reason to learn things as any. I had just come across three beautiful panels of heavy cotton red IKEA curtains ($5!), and had a really cute bedspread that a neighbour's cat stained (while giving birth to kittens under my couch). But what to make with them? I went through my FB group about plus size SCA garb and found a gorgeous outfit someone had made. She referenced patterns by Margo Anderson, specifically the Italian cioppa and gammura patterns. They have very generous sizing as well as how to modify patterns for uneven measurements. Which I have. I got the patterns, washed up the fabrics, and laid them out to see if I had enough... And I did!! ( After cutting out the stains). I started with the cioppa. Cutting the pieces out went well, and putting them together was easy. Obligatory cat as helper. ...