More Språng

It's been a while since I've had time it head space to craft. This interesting piece of sprang showed up in one of my feeds and instantly I wanted to make it! As I sat to warp my frame, I realized I have no idea how to warp a frame. My first frame was warped by someone else. So today's activity pivoted to learning how to warp. After reviewing the materials I had, I went with wrapping the frame "up front, back down" until I ran out of wool. Then I wove a stick thru the middle (over under over under) and that created the warp. Then I happily went about my business. Within a couple of warps, I realized I was just creating twisty strings. Snapdragons. So I untwisted and started again, this time picking up two from the back. Back in business. One row... Pick up one from the back, second row pick...