A year of Sprang - January 2025
Happy New Year! While I am not making any resolutions, I am committed to continuing my study of Sprang, under the tutelage of an official teacher in the SCA. For Christmas, I asked for one of the "Year Long Sprang-a-Long" programs found at spranglady.com. I previously did a more introductory course that described various stitches, and slowly worked itself into a variety of projects and reading charts. The program I selected for 2025 was the "S and Z" course, which features patterns from the sprang artist Sharon Wichman. You can read a little about Sharon at this link: https://www.sprangart.com/musings/a-passion-for-s-z Switching from Z leaning stitches to S leaning stitches creates a row of crossed, as opposed to interlinked, threads. It also means that the direction of the stitch leans in the other direction. Creating rows of Z and then S stitches creates, in my mind, an interesting look to the fabric. This is what my failed Maminka scarf was supposed...