Embroidered Collar for the linen hemd

To decorate the collar of the linen hemd, I'm going to do a little counted stitch embroidery from the modelbuch.

How cute is that! The design is documented to 1529, and likely in use earlier. I first tried another design but it was too large for the space on the collar which is quite narrow. It was quickly apparent in the test I did, seen below.

I cut a piece of linen very similar in size to the lining and then did a blackwork "Holbein" stitch, counting 10 holes as a stitch length. I love blackwork for the way it makes the same design on both sides. So tidy, so satisfying! Here's a picture of me counting my threads. I would run in between the threads of the linen, using the top of my needle to count two threads at a time.

I used cotton embroidery thread, 2 strands. I would have preferred to use silk but I was eager to get on with the project as time is ticking by more quickly than I'd like. Cotton is a period fiber... Technically...

Here's the test piece, which works just fine. Once the first marker rows are done there is not so much counting. It's eye straining at first though and needs some good bright lighting.

I went one way...

And then back the other way. Like many journeys, it sure feels quicker to go back home! 

Here's an in progress photo one way ..

And then back again...

I realized that as long as I went one direction with one length, I didn't have to worry about when to turn around. I just turned around when I ran out of one length. If that makes sense. I worked mostly "one way" stitches, the hard counting part, so that I could relax for the back end of the embroidery. I love it - makes me think of binary or Morse code.

This is a very satisfying project. I had a hiccup when I got to the end and decided that there wasn't enough to fold in:

So I backtracked and pulled it out:

Somewhere I have a photo of the finished length. Moving on...

Here's me pinning it onto the collar. Looks pretty good!!

And here's a shot of the "proof of concept".

This is one of the best items I have ever made. I'm so happy with the hemd and even happier with the collar. 9.5 out of 10, vision to reality.

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