Guards on skirt

I reached out to a very knowledgable person the the SCA who makes absolutely STUNNING outfits. I had heard that Swiss necklines can be more rounded, and wanted her opinion on the matter.

I complimented her guards and she said she used a ruler and chalk. I almost fell off my chair. I had used a TAPE MEASURE from the waist down to mark all the spots then pinned. No markings. No straight lines. I literally face palmed, to the amusement of Mr.

Now I'm wondering if I have time to redo the guards, but about a month out and I'm still working on lacing holes.

I wished my learning process wasn't so learn by doing 🤣 but on the upside now I have a better idea of how to do it next time. That's what these learning garb items are for.

Thank you a million times over to Mistress Agnes. May I hope to be half as skilled one day 😊


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