Half circle (half oval?) veil

Adelheid needs accessories. So, I decided to cut a veil and wimple. I've a car trip to go on and it will be a great pastime to roll the hems.

At least that's what I think I'm supposed to do. I'm not sure if I should put a small hem on the front of the veil or not.

Looks about right...

And the back... 

The construction of this involved math, a trip to dollar tree (for paper), the subsequent throwing away of the math, and tracing a half egg shape on the paper. I would have preferred a slightly shorter/fatter circle, not so pointy at the end. But it's ok, there's always a next time.

This is my first veil so of course I wanted to do the cutest one. I referenced a post by Katafalk (love her 🥰) where she showed how different veils looked.


For the wimple I just cut a rectangle of fabric. There were many ideas and shapes out there in internet land, but this was sufficient. Adelheid is a pragmatic woman, although she likes a bit of finery.

Well, that's about it for today. I won't document the hems on this or the wimple. It's nice to get something done on a work night. I'll show the pictures when they're done. Maybe I'll treat myself to some veil pins...

EDIT: ended up driving most of the car ride but got a good day of hems in while watching wrestling.

They're not perfect. But they're done. This was my first time using silk thread and it is such a pleasure to use. I felt like these looked better as I was doing them, but again, the wimple is a practice garment that won't be seen. Linen and silk, so... It's period!


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