Turquoise Landsknecht-ish - making a striped skirt (day 2)

Up and at it early today... I really want the skirt done by the end of the weekend, and with other commitments the time slips away.
I have pinned the stripes in place on the other panel, and now just waiting for my son to finish his breakfast date so I can pull out the machine. Time to handsew the pieces on the first panel! 

Moment of truth... matching up the stripes to see if adjustments are required. Success? 

First one I looked at... Bang on!! Was feeling pretty good there.

But the other two... They got progressively worse. There must be a better way to do this.

Not bad...

How am I going to fix this??

Took what I learned and tried eyeballing it from the other side.

Here's how stripe match #2 turned out:

Well, two out of three ain't bad. I'm done for the night and will take the week to finish the hand sewing and to fuss with the two worst pieces to see what can be done. Luckily since I used the fabric width, with no gores or bias cuts, the side seams are good enough as is. Close to completion. We have a skirt!

Next weekend... The bodice.


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