Fixing a wulsthaube

Home today, not feeling well, but need something to keep my mind off of feeling sucky. Perfect time for an easy, low consequence project.

Cute, isn't it. I made this very early on in my journey as I figured good headwear would compensate for a variety of garb issues. I clearly didn't know what I was doing and made the cap too big!

I figure that can be cut, hemmed, and the strip repurposed as that unter... Well I forgot the word but it's the strip of linen that you pin things to.

The wulst is also crooked... Go home wulst, you're drunk! You can see it's too high and narrow by the grey arrow and all kinds of shifted to the side of the white arrow.

A few tucks, some pins, and that's more the idea.

That photo cracks me up! Must be the cold meds.



Now to figure out how to put a veil on it!


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