Tokens, gifts, and other treasures
This is a bit of an odd post - I have been updating my wiki and wanted to show some of my favourite things that I have collected and/or been gifted along the way. There was no real room for explanation, so I thought I'd put them out here. My very first token was from Fjordland Rising in 2012 (give or take a year). Due to some life circumstances, it was a few more years before I actually found the local SCA again, this time through a friend. This reminds me to never give up. My newcomer beads were given at Baroness' Inspiration, which would have been November 2018. This was my first official event. These remind me that everyone starts as a newcomer. My mousetail came from my second event, probably February Investiture, where I was volunteering for gate and I met the loveliest person who was a nalbinder. I asked how the tail of her very cute mouse was made, and she showed me. I actually laughed and clapped like a little kid seeing a magic trick! This reminds me to be humble and ...