Tokens, gifts, and other treasures

 This is a bit of an odd post - I have been updating my wiki and wanted to show some of my favourite things that I have collected and/or been gifted along the way. There was no real room for explanation, so I thought I'd put them out here.

My very first token was from Fjordland Rising in 2012 (give or take a year). Due to some life circumstances, it was a few more years before I actually found the local SCA again, this time through a friend. This reminds me to never give up.

My newcomer beads were given at Baroness' Inspiration, which would have been November 2018. This was my first official event. These remind me that everyone starts as a newcomer.

My mousetail came from my second event, probably February Investiture, where I was volunteering for gate and I met the loveliest person who was a nalbinder. I asked how the tail of her very cute mouse was made, and she showed me. I actually laughed and clapped like a little kid seeing a magic trick! This reminds me to be humble and kind, just like her.

Things got quiet for a few years, and then at August Investiture 2022 I returned to eventing. The little pink bag came from a dear friend as a thank you for helping her out with something. She also gave me the turquiose bead which I will turn into a necklace to remember both her and the reign. 

In that little pink bag, I keep the beautiful bead with the little bumblebee - this was given to me by someone who was on vigil for Laurel at a later event. Her story was so beautiful and inspiring that I keep it near. It keeps me grounded and gives me faith in my choices.

Golden Swan in Appledore was a very moving event. From meeting the Midnight Swans, to walking into a hall (at 3am!) that smelled like apples and my first hall camping experience, this was the first time the outreach aspect of being a Royal really hit home. I met amazing people who have done incredible things. We were welcomed, we sang, danced, and persona nerded the weekend away. I cherish my Appledore token. I carry the Tir Righ star thank you to remind me of the inspiration and joy the Royals give the populace.

The Tir Righ Skald and Scholar both gave me tokens - one a period shaped musical note, and the other an indigo dyed favour. These remind me to keep a curious mind and to never stop being open to the learning available in the SCA.

Travelling to events for retinue brought me to places, as a relative newcomer, I'd never been. In Hartwood, I received my Princess' favour, met a sprang expert and got to see a pewter workshop. As stated before, wanting to learn sprang was originally my gateway into the SCA. This person continues to teach me, remotely, and is generous with her learning and is so supportive. I'm grateful to her in ways I can't express.

My pewter veil pins came from another event, but having the time to spend with the craftsperson who made them was wonderful. She shared an A&S presentation at the event, and later, her home for us travellers.

The Princess' favour is something that is so precious I don't dare even wear it. I keep it in the little sprang bag. I chose to serve on retinue (in a teeny tiny role) out of joy and mostly felt grateful to be along for the ride. I keep it close to remind me why I play the game - for joy!

My last items are a coin and some flower trim that came from February Investiture 2023. The coin was fulfillment of a bet that some heralds had made. As I had put my name, device and badge in, I was one of the people that helped win the bet! The trim came from someone I had previously met but hadn't really gotten to know yet. I was briefly an attendant for her, and she was another lovely and interesting person. As we parted, she asked me if I wanted some trim and I said yes. Always say yes, with gratitude.

Anyways, those are just some of my little treasures, I think I'm part raven or something.

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