Snow day Språng
The next learning goal is holes.
I love holes! I love knitting holes. I'm going to learn bobbin lace one day. And my lovely språng mentor can make net using a series of holes. I have made eyelets before, so today's the day! The snow is pretty but I will be staying inside.
Miscalculation #1 - I grabbed the nearest string which was way too fine for a learning project.
I finally got the frame warped and started going for it.
Plain weave... Ok so far.
For the eyelets, I started on a single pickup row and did the pick one drop two, pick two drop one pattern. Being clever, I knew I had to reverse it so I did pick two drop one, pick one drop two for the second row.
Not quite. I re read Halima's instructions and realized I missed the plain u1d1 row in between. Ok so I tried that, then offsetting the second row and...
Still no 🤣
I threw together a practice warp to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm used to things coming easy to me so this is a bit frustrating.
On the practice, I did holes of u2/d2. Then I did the eyelets (over six threads) for comparison. I think I see a difference and I think I'm starting to get it.
Almost there. Had some breakfast/brunch, talked to the kids, unraveled the practice warp and tried again. I figured it had to be a four row repeat. So that's what I did.
I knew it involves b2/f2, so did that as the first row, then plain b/f for row two as per instructions. This time, to offset row 3, I picked up one back, dropped 1 front, then continued with b2/f2 to the end. Then row 4 back to plain b/f. And look!!
Feeling pretty happy now. I was doing the wrong row four (picking up 2 at the start) and that's one major place it was all falling apart.
I liked the look of the fine crochet cotton thread, and am looking forward to circling back once my skills are improved.