March projects

My projects this past month have been SCA tangential - basket weaving and some lessons in machine sewing basics.

I took a class with Jessica Silvey (Red Cedar Woman) with my friend Belinda. Here's the finished project, which we are supposed to "gift". I'll give it to my mother.

Another project has been my grey kirtle mock-up. I was so pleased with the results, I decided to add a skirt and next will do "Snow White" sleeves to make a fun summer dress. Here's a terrible in progress picture:

And finally... My dear friend Janice asked if I'd like to go through her fabric. I ended up with bins of quilting fabric, cutting mats, and an embroidery sewing machine (on loan till she needs it back). We decided to make matching bags, which turned into an intensive sewing lesson. The constellations glow in the dark!

Bonus... Her machine does embroidery stitches so I played around with those, and an brewing up some thank you gifts for any future gate volunteers. 

These are just a couple samples. Amazing!

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