My first Språng project

It is time to use my basic sprang skills to make a project. 

I saw a pattern that was created using s and z rows to create a subtle texture and immediately asked my språng mentor if she thought I could do that. She explained the method, and encouraged me to try. I ordered some silk yarn, laceweight, and did a trial warp. I did my s and z rows (by rotating my little loom instead of actually switching), and started the pattern. All that has taken me to this point today.

But then, I got stuck. How do I get my fingers in to finish when the project really matters to me? Well luckily there is a very encouraging språng group who helped me find a technique from Collingwood's book and a video by Carol James of her demonstrating it. It is a diagonal finish.

First step was to collect my tools. Knitting needles and a crochet hook are good for doing this finish. Then, I carefully removed my safety sticks and replaced the last with a safety cord.

Before too long, disaster struck. I don't know what happened between the last time I picked this up and today, but my strings were miscounted front to back and I developed a random hole.
Drat. Well, time to try again. I tied the test across the middle, and decided I would put on a new warp. In a "lemonade out of lemons" spirit, I wanted to try two colours and a false circular warp that would give me more length. Also, once off the frame the goal of managing the curl was achieved on the test piece. All learning moves us forward... 🍋🍋

I researched false circular warp in Collingwood's book after watching "the sojourning weaver" demonstrate it on YouTube. I could follow the steps very easily, but wasn't sure how to set up the frame with a middle stick. After about an hour, I really wasn't much further ahead so decided just to tie it to the middle of the frame for warping. This will keep it nice and steady. I thought if I wanted it to be free I could suspend it from the frame after it is warped. I didn't end up doing that tho.

Next I made some cardboard shuttles as in all the stuff I have, I don't have the size shuttle I wanted for warping. Go figure. But don't they look pretty!

And then I warped 5A, 10B, 5A. Warping is an act of love. I thought I had it all set up but ended up pulling out the wrong thing and it all turned into a mess. I got it smoothed back out, and put it aside for the night. Pause on a win. But there it is, looking pretty.

And it was at this point that I abandoned using lace weight. The process of warping alone for a larger project was overwhelming. So, improvise and overcome. The rest of this post is taken from a long message I sent to Halima, about how the project turned out. Spoiler alert... Kind of meh.

(From message)

Ok long post... Here's the sprang project. Now that I've had some time with it I'm much more pleased with it. Here's some photos on the process:

Please excuse the very messy closet

You can see right from the start the warp wasn't consistent, and to redo it, would probably stretch it more, overnight, until it was more even.

Mid process however, on the loom, it looked great. I did notice that I was missing strings, by which I mean that was some of the backs came forward when I slid in the stick. The first half of this took a very long time as I figured out how to spot that before committing to the next row. Then went well, going forward from that spot.

Or so I thought... Look at those holes, right in the middle of the piece 🤣 Oh well.

(Additional info: to switch to s rows I sprung from left to right. Eventually I i moved to two knitting needles to fit the last few rows in. This was brutal, but eventually, with repetition, it got better. A simple chain stitch finished the middle.)

I could have done probably half as many warp wraps. When I switched from lace weight to the chunkier DK, I was then in a rush and didn't swatch. So it's wwwiiiiddddeeee. 

But I really like the subtle pattern, not twisty and looks like something intentional.

I gathered both ends into two "chonks", not sure of the word, thinking I'll put ridiculously huge soft, long fringe tassels on the end.

And that's where it sits right now.  I have a half-baked plan to salvage the project, could maybe to fold it in half lengthways, stitch up a bit in the arms, and turn it into a wearable shrug. The end would need to be done differently. Maybe. Or I leave it as is and wear it with pride. It is so soft and snuggly.

It gets a 6/10 vision to reality. For a first project I'm pretty pleased with the pattern, learned TONS about the process, but clearly have much to learn about the finishing. Next project will have a much clearer "exit strategy".

This was a project I worked on in secret over about 12 weeks, not steadily but during that time no progress photos could be shared. I was hoping to give it as a gift to my Pel last weekend (Aug 24), but, you know, the plans of mice and men...


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