Grey kirtle for Adelheid
It's time to make Adelheid her kirtle. The image in my head is of a rather plain "around the house" kind of garment with short sleeves suitable for a burgher class, middle aged woman.
Eventually, she will have her grey linen kirtle, an overgown of wool, and a hemd/chemise of linen. I'd like to make sleeves and an apron of silver linen, and some kind of burgher headwear.
The first step is planning. I'd like to give myself a challenge to complete this first step by approaching the project consistently instead of in a big rush when I feel like it, and this will require a guide to keep me on track.
Grey Kirtle
Step 1 - gather tools and prepare fabric
Step 2 - create bodice pattern
Step 3 - mockup of bodice
Step 4 - sew real bodice
Step 5 - attach skirt and sleeves
Step 6 - finish hems
Other - guards? Embellishments?
Picture for general idea, not sure where the photo came from originally. More thoughts to come...