Språng interlinking 1 under 3

The newest technique I have learned is the interlink 1 under 3 technique, and I'm a believer. It's all the simplicity of interlinking with a little more snug in the fabric. I did up some test warps, and am slightly improving with regard to using sticks/needles for when the finger space gets too small.

The instructor said it was time to make a hat! I made a terrible hat, and although I could save it with a nalbound brim, I thought no. No! The big mistake I made was in doing too many warps and then, because they were all bunched up, I couldn't see the stands and of course there was an error in the foundation row. There's just no saving that, especially when the upside of this technique is not requiring any fussing for finishing the loops.

From the top down - beret style - I'm happy with that.

It's not bad, but I can do better.

Here's a good photo of 1 under 3.

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